On our way to becoming one of the most sustainable energy companies in the world, we know that change starts with ourselves and can only succeed if we move forward together with determination.

With the RWE Foundation, we want to use our energy to bring about lasting change in the social sphere too, so that we can help make a difference in society in the long term.

Dr. Markus Krebber, CEO of RWE AG
Dr. Markus Krebber

"Acting responsibly, together – this principle has been part of our company’s DNA for 125 years. With the RWE Foundation and its initial capital of €125 million, we are once again underlining our commitment to society."

Different hands lie on top of each other in the centre of the picture.

What do we plan to do?

Together, we can make a big difference. In particular, we can help young people to improve their future prospects by getting them involved and thus ensure more equal and fair opportunities as well as better education and more positive life paths for them. We intend to promote education, provide rapid assistance in humanitarian disasters and thus contribute to better living conditions for the people affected. We are aware that we will not solve the world’s problems on our own. But we aim to honour the responsibility we have as a global company and contribute in a way that makes a real difference. That is why we have set up the RWE Foundation.

What is our goal?

As the Foundation is designed for the long term, its statutes allow it to provide wide-ranging support for charitable projects. It can become active itself or makes funds available to other corporate bodies in Germany and abroad for the implementation of charitable purposes.

A woman photographed from behind forms a rectangle with her thumb and index fingers. The rectangle outlines the sun visible in the background.

Funding principles

Framework conditions for the promotion of projects

Young adults on a meadow in the park holding hands in a circle.

Funding priorities

We stand for these values

4 children are sitting on beanbags, their eyes fixed on their teacher. One child speaks up.

Funding projects

Our current projects at a glance

4 children and an adult woman are sitting at a table. They each have one arm stretched out towards the centre and touch their hands together in the air. There are various office materials on the table.

Submit a funding application

Submit your application here

Kornelia Neumann, RWE Foundation gGmbH


If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us

The management team of the RWE Foundation: Erich Thiedemann (left) and Gabriele Tennagels (right) in front of a blue-coloured wall.

Management Board

Get to know the members of the foundation